I am focusing my energy on what I feel is most important at this point in my life, which is making things "right" within my family and life. Perhaps it an illusion, but I feel I have greater ability and energy right now to spend on many "projects" I've been procrastinating on... such as organizing and cleaning out toys, books, and clothes that my boys have outgrown. Wow, how good it feels to see empty space and order within their shared closet!!
I have been traveling the past three days for work.... I admit during this time I yearned more for my Facebook. It is such a habit to check my phone for new text messages, voicemails, emails, and (of course) Facebook notifications, each time I land. After being "out of pocket" (in-flight) for several hours, I always feel eager to get back in touch quickly! This trip was not so eventful ;). I had very little contact and communication with my friends and acquaintances. BUT, I had more phone calls home to my boys.... and actually heard their sweet voices tell me about their day at school and what they were going to eat for dinner. I also noted two interesting conversations with cab drivers to and from airports, that probably never would have happened with my headphones on and intently scrolling through my Facebook. These two cab drivers happened to be women, from New York City, and one told me more about her "shifts" and schedule as a cab driver, and the other told me how she would be spending her thanksgiving at her nieces' house on Long Island. It occurred to me.... these are real people with real lives, and my life is currently in their hands, trusting them to transport me to and from the airport. So many times I hop in the car with these drivers, getting around New York City for my job. I am always polite and courteous, but never truly pay a lot of attention to the driver. It occurs to me that they are actually an integral part of getting me to work in a prompt manner, and showing them some respect and appreciation doesn't take much effort at all. I should be grateful that they woke up that morning and made the effort to go to work! Sometimes just sitting in a car, chatting with a cab driver, and taking in the scenery while looking out the window (instead of staring into my phone), can be eye-opening in a strange way;) I'm starting to look around at certain instances in my life, to see if ANYONE is doing an activity off of their phone, tablet, or laptop. Granted, I spend a lot of time in airports and on airplanes, which happen to be probably the two most popular places for "time-killers". But really.... try this sometime. Try to just sit still, without a device in hand, and look around. Really look around! I guarantee you will feel awkward (it feels awkward to me!). But it's truly interesting. You'll see most people are in their own worlds, continuing their business and communications, which is fine. Afterall, life goes on all the time!! But I'm trying to make an effort to do this at times (sit still without a device), and take mental notes of what I observe. I suppose without my Facebook I have more time for these silly little experiments. But at least it is keeping mind and spirit more active and alive!
So, I'll blog more about my observations next time :-)
Just catching up on your tales of unplugging! It's enlightening, isn't it.