Today, Felix and I ran our first 5K together! Felix has never run one, and I have not run one since my bad spell with plantar fasciitis. However, Felix's PE teacher at school is an actual "Ironman", so a good bit of his curriculum is geared towards running. Honestly, I did not know what to expect from Felix's abilities. We agreed before the race that he could run in front of me if he needed to, but that I would not leave him ;). The boy dusted me!!! 5K's always start quick, but he was gone! He was pacing it out with two of his friends (same age) who happened to be running as well.... the three of them ended up placing first, second, and third :). At the halfway point, Felix was within sight, and I caught up to him at the start of mile 3. I think he was shocked to hear me cheering him on so close! So yes..... I caught the boy!! We continued to run our last mile together.... I admit, I slowed my pace a little for him, as I've always been a runner who speeds up as I warm up. But I made a pact that I would not leave or pass Felix... so we paced it out together, and I would not trade that experience for the world!! Felix did great! I was one proud mama :-).
I admit, there were times when I wanted to go on Facebook and post a picture and how proud I was of Felix, to share it with ALL my "friends" and family... mainly out of habit. But then I remembered this blog.... and I knew I could take the time later in the day, AFTER the event, and write about it in detail.
I'm so happy and proud that Felix is finding joy and a sense of accomplishment in running.... an activity I have been able to turn to through thick and thin. It's the "cure" to my bloated "jet-belly", the "yes!" to second servings, and the guarantee of those "feel-good" endorphins!
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